Display LLDP Inventory Device

You can display LLDP neighbors for each device.

About this task

Follow this procedure to display LLDP neighbors for each device.


To display details of LLDP neighbors, run the following command:
efa inventory device lldp list

The efa inventory device lldp list lists the LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol) neighbors for a device.


The following example displays LLDP neighbors of a device:

(efa:extreme)extreme@tpvm-111:~$ efa inventory device lldp  list  --ip
|   DeviceIP   | Local        | Local Int MAC  | PO    | Remote       | Remote Interface| Remote     | Remote Interface     |
|              | Interface    |                | Number| Interface    | MAC             | System Name| Description          |
| | Ethernet 0/27| 0004.96d6.fd7b | 64    | Ethernet 0/27| 0004.96d7.104d  | SW-141     | clusterPeerIntfMember|
+              +--------------+----------------+-------+--------------+-----------------+------------+----------------------+
|              | Ethernet 0/28| 0004.96d6.fd7b | 64    | Ethernet 0/28| 0004.96d7.104d  | SW-141     | clusterPeerIntfMember|
+              +--------------+----------------+-------+--------------+-----------------+------------+----------------------+
|              | Ethernet 0/29| 0004.96d6.fd7d |       | Ethernet 0/27| 0004.96d6.f611  | S110       | Eth 0/27             |
+              +--------------+----------------+-------+--------------+-----------------+------------+----------------------+
|              | Ethernet 0/30| 0004.96d6.fd7e |       | Ethernet 0/27| 0004.96d6.fc57  | S39        | Eth 0/27             |
+              +--------------+----------------+-------+--------------+-----------------+------------+----------------------+